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LLeaner's Story

I established Lleaner Consulting in 2022 following a career in Defence and Built Environment consultancy. It was part of a commitment to rebalance and reorientate my life.

On reflection, consistent to my professional roles, was a satisfaction in taking responsibility for combining resources to deliver more than the sum of their parts. I love making things easier and repeatable, making systems better. I love building on existing ideas in new contexts to deliver better. The consistent theme of these elements is adding value through making people/teams/processes better and simplifying. On reflection, these goals appeal because I have a strong desire to create harmony and a belief that there is always a win/win solution.

I strongly desire to do well, which means seeking opportunities to arrange resources and processes. I have received awards for this behaviour, though implementing the solution was always more satisfying than receiving the award.

The world needs people who are experienced and good at solution-finding. People who can provide their skills, knowledge and experience to meet challenges. People who will deploy their skills to support society. People who foster communities and positive environments/cultures. My role as helping or supporting a broader societal construct is common to these perspectives. Outside of "work" I contribute to the community by volunteering as a primary ethics teacher, pet therapy handler, disaster relief labourer and election polling place manager.

Extending this perspective to my professional career, I believe I have a responsibility to use my skills in service. Considering what I love and what the world needs, creating order from chaos for meaningful outcomes is my mission.

In my appointments, I act in support of the Client’s ultimate business objective.

First and foremostly, to ensure that I conduct my projects with the customer in mind, I adopt project processes that support the post-project customer requirements. For example, when a landlord raises a question, I ask the team to consider what is driving the question and encourage a phone call to allay concerns rather than resending a pre-approved letter (even when the letter theoretically answers the question).

Secondly, I design project data retention to be useable after I have left – a good practice for consultants and essential for adaptive organisations who need to be able to use data over time to customise and pivot processes because organisations cannot rely on individuals or stand-alone close-out reports that do not integrate into operational systems.

Additionally, I encourage connection beyond the project team. I ensure that Client staff outside my project team know what we are doing and regularly contact external team members to check processes, mindset and broader organisational concerns. This connection ensures that the change brought by the project is implemented into operations effectively